
13 January 2009

ToDaY Yo!! might be a very busy day for us in Admin Division of Tourism Malaysia..


..sebab malan ni ader Majlis Anugerah Khas Pengurusan dan Khidmat Setia Warga Tourism Malaysia 2008..

..n guess wat?..

..i am the MC..

..not MEDICAL CHEAT of coz hee..

..but the MASTER of CEREMONY..

..semua orang tak caya hahaha..

..tapi itulah kenyataan..


..kecik2 dulu berangan nak jadi Fauziah Ahmad Daud, jadi Normala Samsudin, jadi Wan Zaleha Radzi.. biler ader peluang gini grab ajer la hee..

..tapi gabra jugak doh..


..wish me lucks bloggers!!..

..erk, thank you..

nota kaki:- pas2 ni, sure wa tgh rehearsal ngn abg roy, senior MC TM.. n sure wa tgh gabra giler.. erk....


  1. Emmmm....i know you can do it very well like you do it as before...

    wish you all the best!!!!!

    p/s: semenjak 2 menjak nie rajin tul ako berblog...hehehehe

  2. wahhhhh.... congrats...

    the bestest mc...(suare sedap)

    thumbs up!


  3. jgn la memalu..

    kenyataan la yang...

    thumbs up lagi skali...


terima kasih atas segala pandangan..


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